Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jonathan's B day

Hello Hello,

Today is my Main Characters Birthday!! Happy Birthday Jonathan T. Grace , you would be 24 today, if you existed that is!(and you weren't dead)

Not much to say today, just still writing when I can, working on chapter 15...things are going going. Tomorrow is Friday and I can't complain about that :)


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Besides Writing I love Photography, here is one of the plum blossoms in my front yard and the moon!
Hello World!

I finished a chapter!! I wanted to put my preface up so I can maybe stir up some interest...

Anyway here you are :)

I never knew that dying would be so simple. It is all the things that happen afterward, that make the whole affair so complicated. I always feared death would be agonizing, but it happened so quickly it was painless.

Living was much more painful.

Like any selfish and cruel person, instead of dealing with my pain, I would siphon it to someone else. Therefore, bullying quickly became the pride and highlight of my life. If I ever succeeded at anything, it was making people feel terrible about who they were.

I cared little about those who I used to bury my own self-loathing and insecurities. They were mere stepping-stones to the pinnacle of happiness. This chaotic cycle continued until senior year, when a simple string of unrelated circumstances changed my life, and afterlife, forever. I suppose that is the best place to begin my story.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Uhhh...Hello Blogging World :)

Hello out there!

This is my first day of 'Blogging' :)

I just wanted to get a blog started to generate some interest in my novel, Death Incorporated. As of Today, I am just below the halfway point (32k) words. I hope to have the novel completed by the end of April (fingers crossed)

I do have the
Preface up and ready to view on my website.

Please feel free to ask me questions or whatever about the story, as soon as I have the first chapter up I will post it :)

Thanks all!
