Monday, April 19, 2010

Uhhh...Hello Blogging World :)

Hello out there!

This is my first day of 'Blogging' :)

I just wanted to get a blog started to generate some interest in my novel, Death Incorporated. As of Today, I am just below the halfway point (32k) words. I hope to have the novel completed by the end of April (fingers crossed)

I do have the
Preface up and ready to view on my website.

Please feel free to ask me questions or whatever about the story, as soon as I have the first chapter up I will post it :)

Thanks all!



  1. Hi, Ashley. I'm from AQ connect and thought I'd drop in to say hello. I remember how hard that first year of blogging was!

  2. Thanks Victoria, AQ is an awesome place to meet people. Yes I find blogging hard. I mean I feel like no one is out there sometimes...and that may be a good thing HA HA!!
