Friday, October 1, 2010

WOW! Things are crazy right now

I work in insurance, so 10/1 is a HUGE renewal date for our agency. So I have been SOOOOOooOOooOO busy the last month getting all that done. But it's over!! Time to CELEBRATE.

Now there is the personal life!
On the book front, I have rewritten my query letter. It is so much better now. Got a reply from an oh so awesomely honest agent who gave me some suggestions for revisions.

I am taking a step back from Death Incorporated right now. It's been two weeks since I touched it, and I want it to stew a little longer before I revisit it. I have some ideas on major revamping that I will be doing, but I will not be working on it until December 1st.

Why you ask?! Because NaNoWrImO is coming! I have decided against writing the sequel to DI in the contest. I will be working on a YA (maybe adult) Sci Fi that came to me in a dream a few weeks back. I am storing some plot ideas in my brain, and will release the floodgates come 11/1.

Since Nano is only 30 days away, I am clearing my mind of anything writing related until after the contest. I need to be completed deflated and ready!!

In the meantime, I have been trying to take some photos and to play video games. I bought and beat Halo Reach (on heroic thank you very much) and have been routinely kicking ass in multiplayer.

Most of my free time has been dedicate to playing an AWESOME independent game called Minecraft My boyfriend has set up a server so if anyone wants to play comment and I can send you over the info!

Anyway, that is the update on my life at the moment. :) See you on the flip side!

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