Sunday, August 29, 2010

The First of Many

Well an exciting week to say the least.

I received a request for a partial of Death Incorporated. My first request and I was about to run circles around my desk and kiss my boss.

After calming down a bit I reasoned that it was perfectly acceptable to be excited about my first requested partial. After all it means that my query letter is working...on at least one agent. So when I got home from work, I double checked the first 30 pages of the script' and sent it off.

I was on cloud nine for almost exactly 24 hours, and in came the rejection. "Not connecting with the have a clever premise...too hard for me to sell in this competitive market."

I didn't want to eat...I didn't want to sleep...I didn't want to be alive.

48 hours later I am rebounding, editing heavily and finding the ability to smile coming back to me. It felt good to get out on our four wheelers yesterday and do NOTHING on the book.

Now it's back to work finding the right agent. There only needs to be one yes.

Here is the tally so far
11 queries sent.
1 form rejection
1 Request for partial/rejection after partial.

I will keep adding when I get more to add.


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